When I first met Christine in 2008, I was working as a neonatal occupational therapist and a national consultant. I did not have a business or even expect to have one – ever. I simply wrote down a lofty 5-year goal at one of her retreats based on a need I saw in my own little corner of the world. Six months and some deep-Christine-style-business-and-soul-exploration-work later, I said aloud to her that I wanted to start a national organization for therapists who specialized in working with premature and sick infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

I spent the next 8 years (eight!) immersed in Christine’s business coaching programs. Christine’s programs do not involve hollow or shortsighted internet marketing tactics. She is in this for the long haul, as am I. Her programs and ingenious guidance led me step by step from concept to full realization of my vision.

I was able to take one step at a time with the full support of Christine, her coaches, and the other brilliant business owners in her programs. The peer environment she has created is second to none. It’s not fake or exaggerated. It’s about what happens when you’re surrounded with acceptance and accountability all at once. It’s transformative.

Fast forward to now – we just held our 1oth annual globally attended live conference with 1000+ in attendance and also provide unique and valuable online educational programs, CEUs, mentoring, and courses to a worldwide group of passionate neonatal therapists.

Christine understood from the beginning that my deepest desire was to serve babies and families in the NICU through the unique and powerful perspective, knowledge, and skills of neonatal therapists.

She never once let me deviate from that vision. She’s the real deal.